







Downloads for Sale for VirtueMart

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Plugin development ceased, all plugins made available freely (GPL)

With great sadness we have to announce that we are ceasing development of all our VirtueMart, WooCommerce and Joomla plugins. Effective immediately, all our plugins -- even those that were paid downloads -- are made available for free from our homepage (GPL license still applies), but we cannot and will not provide any support anymore.

It has been a great pleasure to be part of the thriving development communities of VirtueMart as well as WooCommerce. However, during the last year it became painstakingly clear that in addition to a full-time job, a young family and several other time-consuming hobbies at professional level (like being a professional singer) the plugin development and the support that it requires is not sustainable and is taking its toll. It has been an honor, but it is now time to say good bye!



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warning for size of file 18 Sep 2013 20:44 #1

  • sune49
  • sune49's Avatar Topic Author

I installed all direction in your tutorial and they works good though.
However, when customer downloaded a file, it doesn't work so I tried to fine the problem due to size of file.
They automatically resize the file. I don't know why.. but it is really big problem to sell e-book.
Here is warning they stated in my website.

Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for images/stories/virtuemart/product/victims.mobi in /home4/valley/public_html/website/plugins/vmcustom/downloads_for_sale/downloads_for_sale/tmpl/order_long.php on line 27

Is this only my website's problem?

warning for size of file 21 Sep 2013 02:08 #2

That sounds like you didn't check the "Upload" radiobutton when you uploaded the file to virtuemart's media list. Can you check whether the file is actually there on the server?
One problem is that unless you select the "Upload" radio button, VM will create a media file object without actually uploading the file to the server.

How large is the file?

Do you have any PHP warnings or errors in the webserver's log files?

Best regards,
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