Dear Melch,
The download links not appearing in the invoice and the product pages is typically an issue of the order status settings. In the custom field definition you can select which order status values allow a download (by default Confirmed and Shipped). If you do not select the corresponding order status, no download link will be displayed. Similarly, if your payment method sets the order status to "Confirmed by Shopper" (i.e. payment has NOT yet been received) or some other order status, the default settings will cause the links to be hidden until the order status is changed to one of the allowed status values.
The files offered for download do not necessarily need to be uploaded via VM's media manager. Uploading them through FTP or SFTP or rsync or whatever and then calling sync in the VM media manager should be fine, too. After syncing, you should check your individual products in the VM backend to check whether the custom field has really the correct file selected.
Best regards,
Hi Reinhold,
Yes, the links were not showing up on the product page or in the download area. I confiqured the template in the Virtuemart shop correctly but it wasn't working,
Then I went back to check it again in an hour or so and it was all working. Don't know what happened?
It's all working perfectly.
Is there anyway to verify that an invoice and download link is getting to a person's email, after they make a purchase, before I make the site live?
I'm using PayPal Sandbox to test it and I get an email to my main website email address with the invoice and links, like I want.
Does this mean the person making a purchase will also get the same email with the invoice and the links.