Downloads for Sale for VirtueMart FAQ
1) Which PHP, Joomla and VirtueMart versions does the plugin work with?
I am developing the plugin with PHP 5.4 on Joomla 2.5 with VirtueMart 2.0.
Other combinations might work, but I have not had any reports. If you are using the plugin on a different combination of versions, please let me know whether it works or not.
2) Are there any incompatibilities known?
Currently, I'm not aware of any incompatibilities with certain Joomla or Virtuemart versions, or with other extensions.
3) Can you please implement [...]?
I'm always open for good suggestions and ideas concerning the plugin's functionality. However, as my time is really limited, I cannot promise anything. Currently, the following ideas are on my list:
- Log all downloads and display a download statistics page
- Show number of downloads below the download link
- Registered downloads only for selected shopper groups
- Add an option to show hide the download link in the invoice (i.e. three settings: product page, order view and confirmation mail, and invoice)
- Make list of order statuses configurable that allow download (Implemented in Version 1.4)
- optionally show a grayed-out link if a download is not authorized
- After downloading a file, set the order status to "Shipped" (or some other status as set in the config) (Implemented in Version 1.4)
- Turn off caching so the file is immediately sent to the user in chunks. Currently, the whole file is read into memory and only afterwards sent to the downloader. This causes webserver problems for large files. (Implemented in Version 1.5.4)
I have no idea when I will be able to implement these ideas. If you really need any feature urgently, please feel free to ask me for a quote for custom development. All commissioned features will of course be made available to all other plugin users, too, if they are useful to the general public.
4) Why is the download link not displayed in the invoice? Why is the download link on the product page displayed at the bottom of the page?
The download plugin uses custom fields attached to products, and there are two different types of custom fields: Cart variants and Non-Cart variants.
If you choose "Yes" in the custom field configuration page (i.e. you create a cart-variant, which means that to VirtueMart the custom field describes a distinct feature of the product), then the custom field (the download button) will be displayed together with the price on the product details page and just below the product name in the order view and the invoices.
On the other hand, if you choose "No" (i.e. you do not create a cart-variant), VirtueMart understands the custom field as just some additional information to the user in the online shop. Thus VirtueMart does not deem it neccessary to display any information from the custom field in the invoice, and will place the custom field's output at the bottom of the product details page.
So, the short answer to the question is: You did not make the custom field a Cart Variant. Change this in VirtueMart's custom fields admin page.
5) Does the plugin work with K2mart?
To be honest, I have no idea. I have never tried K2mart and I don't have access to a copy of it.
Judging from the description on their homepage, I would guess that the links in the order/invoice are the standard virtuemart views. Likewise, the "My downloads" area is provided by the plugin, so that should work,too.
The product details view, however, appears to be overridden by K2mart with its own view. There it depends on how well K2mart handles custom fields.
So, in short: I cannot really say whether it will work for you or not.
I would be really glad if someone with K2mart could give me some feedback whether it works or not.