Advanced Ordernumbers for VirtueMart
The most flexible and complete solution for your VirtueMart webshop to customize your order, invoice and customer numbers and the order passwords! For VirtueMart 2.x and 3.x. The running counters of the orders and invoices can be configured to use separate counters for different time periods, countries or even customers.
Extensions for the Advanced Ordernumbers Plugin for VirtueMart
Extensions for the Advanced Ordernumbers plugin for VirtueMart. These plugins provide custom variables or custom post-processing to the numbers. At least version 2.1 (or 4.0.1 for post-processing functionality) of the Advanced Ordernumbers plugin is required.
Downloads for Sale for VirtueMart
Downloadable products (both free and paid downloads) and downloads linked with purchased products for VirtueMart 2 and 3.
Shipping by Rules Plugin for VirtueMart
Virtuemart plugin to specify shipping costs with bounds of the order properties. Very complex shipping cost structures (depending on the amount, weight, number of products and/or articles and postal code of the order) can be easily implemented.
Advanced Shipping by Rules Plugin for VirtueMart
Describe shipping costs with general rules including mathematical expressions. Very complex shipping cost structures (depending on the amount, postal code, weight, number of products and/or articles and coupon code) can be easily implemented.
Extensions for the Shipping by Rules Plugins for VirtueMart
Extensions for the Shipping by Rules plugins for VirtueMart. These plugins provide custom variables or custom functions to be used in the rules. At least version 5.0 of the Shipping by Rules plugins is required.
Add Buyers to Joomla Groups Plugin for VirtueMart
Virtuemart plugin to automatically add buyers to or remove buyers from Joomla user groups or VirtueMart Shopper groups.
VM Customers to Joomla Groups Admin Panel
Manually assign Virtuemart product customers to Joomla usergroups in the Joomla Backend.
Subscribe Buyers to AcyMailing for VirtueMart
Virtuemart 2 plugin to automatically subscribe buyers to certain AcyMailing Lists, and to allow subscription to notifications on the product page.
Auto Parent Categories Plugin for VirtueMart
Virtuemart 2 plugin to automatically add products also to its parent categories, or remove them from all but the lowest categories. For child products, it can also assign them to the parent product's categories, or remove all categories.
Name the Price for Virtuemart
Allow the user name their own price of a product or add a user-defined amount to the price of a product.
EU Sales Reports for VirtueMart
Generate and export EU sales reports (EU Recapitulative Statements) for your VirtueMart sales.
Tax Report for VirtueMart
A simple VM plugin to display basic tax reports (#orders, revenue and tax amount per tax rule) for any configurable time period.