If I understand you correctly, the zones are described by countries, so your zones are exactly the country zones in the plugin. I'll try to give the rules I would use for zones 2-3 in USD here (you should be able to adapt them to the other zones). The assumed weight unit is kg:
Name=Below 1kg, Zone 2; Weight<=1; Shipping=53+21
Name=Below 1.5kg, Zone 2; Weight<=1.5; Shipping=74+21+3*ceil(weight-1)
Name=Below 2kg, Zone 2; Weight<=2; Shipping=100+21+3*ceil(weight-1)
Name=Below 2.5kg, Zone 2; Weight<=2.5; Shipping=141+21+3*ceil(weight-1)
Name=Below 3kg, Zone 2; Weight<=3; Shipping=188+21+3*ceil(weight-1)
In particular, the fuel charge is simply 21 USD plus 3 USD for each commenced half kg above 1kg (if the charge is meant for each full 0.5kg above 1kg, you need to change ceil to floor).
Regarding your other issue (the message), it is currently not possible in VirtueMart for a shipping plugin to display a message to contact the vendor. That would probably require some changes to the VirtueMart core code.