The & (AND) operator is available only in the advanced version. However, your rules can be slightly re-written to work with the basic (free) plugin:
Name=Delivery; 1<weight<30; Shipping=50
Name=Delivery; 30<weight<60; Shipping=65
Name=Delivery; 60<weight<90; Shipping=90
Name=Delivery; 90<weight<1000; Shipping=90
Notice, however, that since you only use the "strictly less than" comparison (<), the bound will never match. So, a cart with a weight of exactly 30 will not match any of these rules (since 30 is neither strictly smaller or strictly larger than 30).
I think you rather want the <= operator for the upper bounds, i.e. orders of weight more than 1 and up to 30 kg (including 30kg) are 50 currenty units shipping costs.
Best regards,