Dear BigChief,
Your plugin code looks fine (I suppose you renamed the plugin directory to plugins/vmshippingrules/shipping_custom/, also renamed the plugin files properly and correspondingly adjusted the .xml file; Also don't forget to enable the plugin in joomla!).
To test whether your plugin is loaded at all, simply add
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("Plugin file is loaded", 'error');
before your class definition. Now whenever to go to the cart page, the "error" message "Plugin file is loaded" should be printed. You need to have at least one shipping method set up that uses the shipping by rules plugin.
If that works, you can add a similar call to the onVmShippingRulesGetCartValues function to check whether the function is called properly.
If that is the case, you can access the "framed" variable in all your rules just like all the built-in variables. E.g.
Name=Shipping for framed products; Condition=framed; Shipping=500
Name=Shipping for unframed products; Shipping=0
Please notice the "Condition=", because otherwise the plugin might not properly identify that rule part as a condition.
Best regards,