Hi Reinhold, the rules are working so well but I need to add an exclusion to some of heavy products.
I need to include some heavy products from the categories previusly set to the free shipping rule. Some of the artícles from category 151 must be considered to the free shipping calculation when price is more than 150€.
I need to acomplish that by adding an additional category to that product, like category 2000.
If one product has category 151 and the price is more than 150€ -> No free shipping, the shipping cost is calculated by weight.
But if this product in the category 151 has another additional category, Category ID 2000, then is evaluated for free shipping if the price is more than 150€.
How can I do that? Can you help me?
Thanks in advanced.
This is my actual rule:
Definition=ZONA1; Value=ZIP2 in list("04", "18", "23", "29", "14", "41", "11", "21")
Variable=myWeight; Value=Weight
Variable=myWeight; AmountWithTax>100; Value=evaluate_for_categories(Weight, 151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,244,210,251,183,184,185)
Definition=PESO1; Value=0
Definition=PESO1; myWeight<2; Value=4.95
Definition=PESO1; 2<=myWeight<5; Value=5.95
Definition=PESO1; 5<=myWeight<10; Value=7.95
Definition=PESO1; 10<=myWeight<15; Value=8.95
Definition=PESO1; 15<=myWeight<20; Value=9.95
Definition=PESO1; 20<=myWeight<25; Value=10.95
Definition=PESO1; 25<=myWeight<30; Value=11.95
Definition=PESO1; 30<=myWeight<40; Value=14.5
Definition=PESO1; 40<=myWeight<50; Value=16.5
Definition=PESO1; myWeight=>50; Value=16.5+0.36*(myWeight-49)
Name=Envío GRATIS por compras superiores a 150 €; Condition=ZONA1; myWeight==0; 150<=amountWithTax; ShippingWithTax=0
Name=A; Condition=ZONA1; 150<=amountWithTax; ShippingWithTax=PESO1
Name=B; Condition=ZONA1; ShippingWithTax=PESO1